What is Spearfishing?

What is Spearfishing?

Spearfishing is a thrilling way to catch fish while swimming in the ocean. It’s an ancient practice made modern with gear like spearguns and pole spears. You’re ready to explore underwater with a mask, fins, and a spear. 

It’s not just about the catch; Spearfishing is calming and meditative, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Plus, it provides a fresh and affordable meal for families. 

Spearfishing is gaining popularity as more people discover this rewarding activity through social media and YouTube. It’s a sustainable way to enjoy the ocean while helping to maintain fish populations. Welcome to Spearfishing!

Also Read: How to Start Spearfishing?

What Does Spearo Mean?

“Spearo” is a term for someone who enjoys Spearfishing. Others might call them “spearfisherman” or “spearfisher.”

Carefully choose which fish to take, avoiding by-catch, unintended fish caught with other fishing methods. By-catch frequently consists of fish too small to keep, resulting in their potential death after release. Spearos only take what they eat.

Another benefit of spearfishing is that it catches bigger fish than traditional fishing. For me, there’s nothing more satisfying than bringing fresh fish or lobster from the ocean to the kitchen table. 

Spearfishing lets us know exactly where our food comes from, reducing waste and carbon footprint. Buying fish from the store uses more resources than a spear-catching dinner directly from the sea.

Where can Spearfishing be practised?

Spearfishing is possible in fresh and saltwater as long as you follow the rules. The key is to understand and follow the local laws and regulations. Before diving in, you must know which fish or other marine life you’re allowed to catch, their size limits, and how many you can take. 

Regulations also specify what kind of gear you can use for Spearfishing. For instance, in California, you can only catch Spiny Lobster by hand with gloves. Understanding and obeying these rules ensures a responsible and enjoyable spearfishing experience.

Do I need a boat?

There are various ways to reach your diving spot. Many beginners start with shore diving, where you enter the water from a safe point on land and swim out to where you want to hunt. It’s the cheapest option since you don’t need a boat, but it has a limited range.

Diving from a boat lets you explore further and access better hunting spots, like kelp beds or areas with lots of fish. Blue Water Hunting is another boat-based method where you search for big fish in the open ocean. It needs more gear and preparation but offers the chance to catch larger fish.

How do I get started Spearfishing?

Once you know what Spearfishing is, getting started is easy. You’ll need basic gear like fins, a mask, a speargun, and good dive gloves. Learning about holding your breath underwater and taking a freediving course to stay safe is also important.

Here are some beginner spearfishing tips: practice swimming in the ocean, learn how to find and approach fish, and aim for your shot accurately. Think of Spearfishing as snorkeling with a weapon. It’s about getting in the water, hunting for your meal, and enjoying the delicious rewards of your successful catch. Practice makes perfect, so get out there and give it a try!

Is it easy to learn how to spearfish?

When explaining Spearfishing to newcomers, they often wonder if it’s easy to learn. The truth is, it varies. Starting with basic gear and swimming into the water is simple. But mastering underwater hunting requires skill. You must learn breath control and stay calm while searching for fish. Operating your speargun smoothly and aiming accurately without scaring fish is crucial.

Anyone with good swimming skills can start Spearfishing. However, becoming proficient takes ongoing practice and training. If you’re happy being a casual spearfisher, it’s easy to start. But to excel, you need dedication and effort.

What gear do you need for Spearfishing?

To start Spearfishing, you’ll need some key gear. Essentials include a snorkeling mask, dive fins, protective gloves, speargun, pole spear, or Hawaiian sling. Make sure to check local regulations, as some equipment may be restricted in certain areas. It’s also important to have a diver below the flag and float line for safety.

Other helpful gear includes a dive knife, a wetsuit for comfort, underwater flashlights, a weight belt, and a fish stringer. I’ve tested various gear and recommended the best products in my posts so you can make informed choices for your spearfishing adventures.

Breath Training for Spearfishing Underwater

Breath Training for Spearfishing Underwater

Learning to hold your breath is crucial for Spearfishing, but we must do something other than naturally. Normally, we breathe in and out without thinking. Holding your breath underwater can feel strange at first. With practice, you might last about 30 seconds. Professional spearfishers can hold their breath for 2 to 3 minutes or even longer. 

They achieve this through training and exercises to get used to lower oxygen levels. In this guide, you’ll learn their techniques for breath-holding training, which you can do at home safely. However, holding your breath too long can be risky. Underwater, could lead to passing out, known as shallow water blackout, which can be deadly. That’s why having a dive buddy when Spearfishing is crucial to ensure safety.

Where can I go Spearfishing?

You can go Spearfishing in various types of water. There are plenty of places to explore, from clear lakes to muddy rivers or shallow ponds. But the most common spot is from the shore. You walk into the sea and hunt along rocky reefs near the beach. You’ll typically dive in water 5 to 25 meters deep in these conditions. Sometimes, you may find fish in very shallow water; other times, they swim deeper, which is harder to reach. 

You can venture offshore with a boat, where you might find big schools of fish like kingfish, sailfish, wahoo, or even marlin. However, remember that there may be rules about where you can spearfish. Some areas may be protected or have restrictions on certain fish species. So, as you learn about Spearfishing, understand the rules in your area.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unlike traditional fishing methods involving rods and reels, spearfishing requires the fisherman to dive underwater and directly target fish with a spear.

Beginners can start by taking a freediving course to learn breath-holding techniques and underwater safety. Practice and experience are key to mastering spearfishing skills.

Spearfishing offers a sustainable method of catching fish, providing an exhilarating underwater experience and fostering a stronger bond with the marine world.

Spearfishing regulations vary by location and may include restrictions on species, gear, and designated areas. It’s important to familiarize oneself with local laws before spearfishing.


Spearfishing is an exhilarating and sustainable form of fishing that involves hunting underwater using a spear. It offers a deeper connection to the marine environment and provides a rewarding way to harvest fish for consumption. While it requires practice and adherence to safety measures, Spearfishing offers an exciting adventure for outdoor enthusiasts. 

By following local regulations, practicing proper techniques, and respecting marine ecosystems, spearfishers can enjoy this activity responsibly while contributing to preserving aquatic habitats. Ultimately, Spearfishing allows individuals to explore the underwater world and appreciate the beauty and diversity of marine life firsthand.

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