How To Get Into Spearfishing – Learn Here

How To Get Into Spearfishing – Learn Here

Spearfishing is gaining popularity globally. While once a means of survival, it’s now a thrilling sport, thanks to human determination and technology. Yet, it’s challenging, especially for beginners. That’s why this guide is here.

Here, we’ll cover all you need to start spearfishing and catch your first fish. From techniques to gear, we’ve got you covered. Prepare to dive into the underwater world and embark on an exciting adventure!

Also Read: What is Spearfishing?

How To Get Into Spearfishing

Here’s a list of steps to kickstart your spearfishing journey quickly.

Step 1: Acquire Training

The first step to start spearfishing is to get proper training. Even if you’re experienced in diving, you must learn spearfishing techniques. Consider taking a spearfishing course for thorough training.

These courses cover hunting skills, introductory diving, equipment usage, safety measures, ethical practices, and managing catches. They also help with getting necessary licenses. By completing a course, you’ll become a skilled and responsible spearfisher, ready to enjoy this exciting sport safely and ethically.

If you’re not into scuba diving, you don’t need heaps of gear for spearfishing. Here’s what you do need:

  • Mask & Snorkel: Get a comfy mask with good visibility. Low-profile masks handle pressure changes well.
  • Wetsuit: Choose a wetsuit thickness based on water temperature. Thicker for cold, thinner for warm.
  • Gloves: Tough gloves protect from sharp stuff and help handle your gear.
  • Fins: Plastic fins are delicate for shallow reefs. Carbon or fiberglass fins are better for deep dives, saving energy and time.
  • Weight Belt: Keeps you submerged despite wetsuit buoyancy.
  • Dive Knife: Handy for cutting free from entanglements and humane fish dispatch.
  • Float: Inflatable float alerts boats to your presence and helps retrieve your spear after a catch.

Depending on your budget, where you’re diving, and what fish you’re after, there are three main types of spearfishing weapons you can get:

  • Hawaiian Sling: It’s like a bow and arrow. You aim using a shaft holder, then pull the rubber sling to shoot the spear.
  • Pole Spear: This is a long spear with a tip you attach. You pull an elastic band at the back to shoot the spear.
  • Spear Gun: It has a barrel, spear, and trigger. There are two kinds: band and pneumatic guns. Be careful; spear guns have strong recoil. Don’t aim or fire them out of the water!

It’s important never to go spearfishing alone, especially if you’re a beginner. Contact local spearfishing clubs or groups to find experienced divers to buddy up with.

Having a dive buddy is crucial for safety. They’ll teach you about legal fishing and help you avoid dangers like shallow water blackouts, which can be deadly. Stay safe, and enjoy spearfishing with a buddy by your side!

Spearfishing offers three main methods: scuba dive spearfishing, free-dive spearfishing, and shallow-water spearfishing.

  • Scuba Dive Spearfishing: If you’re after bigger fish, you’ll need scuba gear for deep dives. Check if it’s legal in your area.
  • Freedive Spearfishing: To master this, become a good diver first. Practice holding your breath longer and start with shallow dives for smaller fish. Be stealthy and conserve energy to stay longer underwater.
  • Shallow Water Spearfishing: This is the simplest method from below or above the waterline. You can do it from shore, boat, or kayak. It requires essential gear and techniques.
Step 6: Store Fish Properly

Storing caught fish in a bucket is simple when fishing from a boat. But when spearfishing, you must use a fish stringer to keep your catch in the water. This saves you from returning to shore after each catch.

You can use either a stringer or a float for this. However, if you’re in waters with sharks, avoid using a stringer, as it can attract them. Instead, opt for a float boat or a Creek cooler for safety.

Do you have to be scuba-certified to spearfish?

No, you don’t necessarily need to be scuba-certified to spearfish. While scuba diving can be helpful for certain types of spearfishing, other methods, such as freediving and shallow water spearfishing, don’t require scuba certification.

However, it’s essential to have proper training and knowledge of safe diving practices regardless of your chosen method.

Is spearfishing good for you?

Is spearfishing good for you?

Spearfishing can be good for you in various ways. It provides physical exercise as swimming and diving are involved, which improves cardiovascular health and muscle strength. It also promotes mental well-being by reducing stress and promoting relaxation in natural surroundings. 

Additionally, spearfishing encourages environmental awareness and conservation, fostering a deeper connection to marine ecosystems and encouraging sustainable fishing practices. However, it’s essential to ensure safety, follow local regulations, and respect marine life while spearfishing.

Why is spearfishing popular?

Spearfishing is famous for its unique blend of adventure, sport, and connection with nature. It offers enthusiasts an exhilarating underwater experience, unlike any other form of fishing. Additionally, spearfishing allows individuals to catch their fresh fish, providing a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. 

The sport also fosters camaraderie among divers, who often dive in pairs or groups, sharing experiences and supporting each other underwater. Spearfishing appeals to those seeking excitement, challenge, and a deeper appreciation for the marine environment.

Do you need to know how do you swim to spearfish?

Yes, knowing how to swim is essential for spearfishing. Swimming skills are necessary for safety while navigating underwater environments, accessing dive sites, and returning to the surface safely.

Additionally, swimming proficiency allows spearfishers to move efficiently and effectively underwater, improving their ability to hunt and catch fish. Before attempting spearfishing, you must ensure that you are comfortable and confident in the water and possess basic swimming skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Essential spearfishing equipment includes a mask, snorkel, fins, wetsuit, spear gun or pole spear, weight belt, and dive knife.

Spearfishing can occur in various underwater environments, including oceans, lakes, rivers, and reefs. Check local regulations and choose suitable locations.

Spearfishing can be an environmentally sustainable fishing method when done responsibly and following local regulations. It allows for selective harvesting and minimizes bycatch.

Safety precautions include diving with a buddy, checking weather conditions, wearing appropriate dive gear, staying within depth limits, and being aware of marine life hazards.

Spearfishing offers physical exercise, mental relaxation, and a deeper connection to nature. It promotes sustainable fishing practices and provides access to fresh, healthy seafood.


Spearfishing is challenging but can be mastered with the right approach. The steps in this guide aim to help you dive into this thrilling sport. Patience and practice are essential. Keep at it, and you’ll soon spear your first fish. 

With perseverance, you’ll dive deeper, stay longer underwater, and eventually catch your dream fish. Enjoy the journey of improving your skills and exploring the underwater world!

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