Pole Spear Tips to Improve Your Spearfishing Game

Pole Spear Tips to Improve Your Spearfishing Game

This article will teach you some useful tips for using a pole spear to become a better underwater hunter. When people start spearfishing, they usually begin with a hand spear or a pole spear before moving on to a speargun. However, there are advantages to sticking with a pole spear because it helps you focus on improving your basic spearfishing techniques.

I spent three months doing 26 dives using only a pole spear, and I want to share the tips that helped me catch more fish. Going back to a pole spear after using a speargun may seem like a step backward. While I’ve used cheaper pole spears before upgrading to a speargun, I’ve realized that it’s a great tool for training. If you want to get better at spearfishing, follow these tips for using a pole spear.

Also Read: Understand the Different Types of Spearfishing Fins

Why use a pole spear instead of a speargun?

Using a pole spear for spearfishing has its challenges, like limited power and range. But there are advantages too. When you use a pole spear, you:

  • Have to be quiet underwater to avoid scaring fish away.
  • Need to master your ambush technique to approach fish closely.
  • Must be accurate with your shots to ensure a clean kill.

Why I spent three months training with a pole spear

Why I spent three months training with a pole spear

When I was a kid, I used to see pole spears at the dive shop, and they fascinated me. They were long sticks made of aluminium, and they looked like powerful tools for hunting fish. Nowadays, there are fancier pole spears made of fibreglass and carbon fibre, but back then, it was all about the aluminium ones. They were longer than me and had sharp prongs at the end. 

Just looking at them made me think of surviving on an island, using a pole spear to catch fish for food. Recently, I remembered how much I loved pole spears when I was younger, so I decided to give them another try. I heard they’re great for training and improving your skills, so I committed to using one for spearfishing for three months. Even though it was winter and I couldn’t go on as many deep-sea trips, I still managed to catch some good fish.

I had two main goals in mind:

  • Improve my stealth underwater to approach fish without scaring them.
  • Learn how to use the pole spear effectively for shore fishing.

It takes practice to improve your aim with a pole spear

The most important tip for using a pole spear is to practice regularly. The more you practice spearfishing, the better you’ll get. Try to go diving as often as you can and learn something new each time. It’s also a good idea to start each spearfishing session with some practice shots. 

Spend a few minutes shooting your pole spear at targets like kelp or marked spots in the sand. This helps you get used to the limited power and range of the pole spear. The more you practice shooting your pole spear, the better you’ll become at hitting your target when you’re aiming for fish.

Focus on being stealthy as you spearfish with a pole spear

During my experiment, I quickly realized that I wasn’t as stealthy underwater as I thought. I was used to the power and range of my speargun, which made me lazy in my approach. To master the pole spear, I needed to change my strategy. Instead of approaching fish horizontally, I learned to approach them vertically.

I moved slowly and quietly, avoiding sudden movements that could scare the fish. This way, I could catch them off guard and take a shot before they noticed me. It’s important to remember that a pole spear has limited range, usually only about 4 or 5 feet. So, coming in from the side might not work well since most fish won’t let you get that close.

Use structures and lie in wait for your fish to get close to you

Before, I used to move a lot while spearfishing to cover more ground. But with a pole spear, I needed a new strategy. I learned to poke around holes and crevices where fish hide or wait quietly for them to come to me. 

I could hide behind rocks or other things underwater to blend in. This changed how I fish a lot. By staying still, I caught more fish with my pole spear. Fish are curious, so if you’re patient and quiet, they’ll come closer, giving you a perfect shot.

Perfecting your grip is one of the fundamental pole speartips

Unlike a speargun, you can’t keep the band on a pole spear loaded all the time. I found it helpful to hook my thumb through the rubber and hold the spear near the base. When I spotted a fish, I could quickly pull it back, aim, and release it. I also learned a trick to improve accuracy:

instead of pulling straight back, wrap the band around the spear as you pull. This reduces warping and makes it easier to aim. Focusing on accuracy is crucial with a pole spear because it leads to better shots.

Let your pole spear completely go as you shoot

When I watched my underwater footage, I noticed a mistake with my pole spear technique. Instead of fully letting go when I shot, I was pushing the spear forward instinctively, thinking it would give me more range. 

But this slowed down my shots and reduced my range. So, remember to completely let go when shooting with a pole spear. Trust your aim, and you’ll get more power and a better chance of hitting the fish.

Where should you aim to spear a fish with a pole spear?

When using a speargun, hitting a fish anywhere usually means it won’t get away. But with a pole spear, accuracy is crucial. Since it has less power, you need to aim for the shoulder meat behind the fish’s head and above the backbone. 

This spot is the thickest and gives the best chance for the spear to penetrate and the prongs to hold tight. Focusing on accuracy and targeting this area increases your chances of successfully catching the fish with a pole spear.

Secure your catch as fast as possible when you’re spearfishing

Once you’ve speared a fish with your pole spear, act quickly. Since your shot may not have killed the fish, it could wriggle free. Swim down and push the fish deeper onto the spear to secure it better. 

It’s important to wear quality spearfishing gloves to protect your hands from the fish’s spines and sharp edges. With protected hands, you can grab the fish tightly, dispatch it with your dive knife, and string it onto your fish stringer safely. This ensures you don’t lose your catch and stay safe underwater.


When I started spearfishing with a pole spear, I realized I had a lot to learn. From how I moved underwater to targeting fish, there was room for improvement. I hope these tips help you get better at spearfishing too!

Using a pole spear has made me more confident, even though I usually use a speargun. It’s especially fun in shallow water or from the shore. Think of it as a practice to get better at spearfishing basics. You’ll be surprised how quickly you improve. Enjoy spearfishing!

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